Αρχική » Ronnie Coleman δηλώνει: την πλάτη την σακάτεψα στο Γυμνάσιο!

Ronnie Coleman δηλώνει: την πλάτη την σακάτεψα στο Γυμνάσιο!

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Ο πολυνίκης Mr Olympia  Ronnie Coleman κάνει μια ανάδρομη στο παρελθόν, όπου να τονίζει πως για ένα από τα προβλήματα του ,τον τραυματισμό στην πλάτη πληρώνει τον τραυματισμό που είχε στο σχολειό! σε ηλικία 15 ετών, ενώ έκανε powerlifting . Tell y’all a little story of how I originally hurt my back. It was first in high school at the age of 15. I had just joined the powerlifting team my sophomore year.   Αυτός λοιπόν ο τραυματισμός ήταν η αιτία των δεινών του αργότερα διότι δεν τον πρόσεξε, όπως αναφέρει:  Οι ακτίνες Χ δεν αποκάλυψαν καμία δομική βλάβη, αλλά η πλάτη μου με είχε  πληγεί τόσο άσχημα που δεν μπορούσα να κοιμηθώ τη νύχτα. Τελικά αποφάσισα να πάω στον Χειροπράκτη και πραγματικά με βοήθησε πολύ!

Ο Ronnie Coleman έχει κάνει πάνω από δέκα εγχειρήσεις έως τώρα , στο ισχίο και στην πλάτη μετά το τέλος της επαγγελματικής του καριέρας , και είναι υποψήφιος για ακόμη μια επέμβαση, τώρα με νideo αποδεικνύει πως θέλει να συνεχίσει..


Instead of going with my usual soliloquy of saying trying my best to get my back bigger. I’m gonna Tell y’all a little story of how I originally hurt my back. It was first in high school at the age of 15. I had just joined the powerlifting team my sophomore year. I was competing in my 4th powerlifting meet and I was on my 3rd attempt at deadlifts in the 181lb class. I was attempting to lift 450lbs and I was going to lift it if it was the last thing I’ve ever done. I was able to lift it but when I locked it out at the top I felt a lot of pain but didn’t think nothing of it at the time. Of course I finished the meet and ended up in 5th place which was my highest placing all year. My back continued to hurt me but I never got it checked out. I continued on the powerlifting team until my senior year when they finally had to cancel the team for lack of financial support. I did continue training though and went off to college when I graduated. I tried out for the football team and made the squad. While practicing one day I hurt my back so bad I had to go to the doctor. The X-rays revealed no structural damage but my back was hurting me so bad I could barely sleep at night. I finally decided to go to the Chiropractor and he really helped me out a lot. He put me on all these messaging machines and also popped my back every time I went. My back was starting to feel better because I was seeing him every single day. I will end the story there because as we all know my back got worse over the years. I can actually write a book on all the pain I’ve endured since hurting my back originally in High School so I’ll save the rest of this story for another day.

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Ronnie Coleman (@ronniecoleman8) στις

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