Αρχική » O προπονητής απαντά για τις φλέβες των ποδιών του NICK

O προπονητής απαντά για τις φλέβες των ποδιών του NICK

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O προπονητής του Nick Walker ο Matt Jansen απαντά στους επικριτές που αμφισβήτησαν την αξία του νεαρού bodybuilder, μάλιστα επικεντρώνεται και στην τοξική κριτική που δέχτηκε ο αθλητής του για τις φλέβες στα πόδια, και τα σενάρια που υπέθεταν πως έθετε  σε περιπέτειες την ζωή του!

outlet posted his update, the comment section was a toxic wasteland of “hasbeens” and “neverwas” talking shit about his leg veins, his “aesthetics” and some even commenting about mortality.

Ο  Matt Jansen επισημαίνει τις αρνητικές κριτικές από σελίδες και σχολιαστές που δεν έδιναν ελπίδες διάκρισης στον Nick Walker! διότι δεν τον  βοηθούσε η κατασκευή του σώματος του, τον έλεγαν χοντρό! συνεπώς δεν θα έπαιρνε ούτε την επαγγελματική κάρτα, και αν τα κατάφερνε, δεν θα είχε πιθανότητες στο επαγγελματικό bodybuilding διότι ήταν κοντός!  
[quote]They told him he was too blocky. They told him he was built like a refrigerator. That he’s never turn pro and even if he did, he was short in stature and would be drowned out in a pro lineup.[/quote]

Σε όλα αυτά ο  Nick Walker δεν απάντησε, λειτούργησε ως επαγγελματίας, έμεινε ήσυχος και συνέχισε να προπονείται έως την τελική νίκη, και δικαίωση!  

[quote]For years, Nick undeservingly was the subject of podcasts and popular bodybuilding pages/channels where imbeciles who couldn’t carry his gymbag straight up hated on him. He remained silent and kept working. [/quote]


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Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Matt Jansen (@mattjansen8)

I’ve been wanting to make a post for a long time that really put into context the Nick that not many truly see, who he is at his core and how he operates. Saturday night Gary Turner made a post that was so spot on that I feel it’s only right that I share it. @the_real_gsix.

@nick_walker39 wins the New York Pro in his rookie season as a pro. But there is something that everyone can learn here through observation over the past few years and there is much applause that goes farther than the “win” category in tomorrow’s newspaper.⁣

For years, Nick undeservingly was the subject of podcasts and popular bodybuilding pages/channels where imbeciles who couldn’t carry his gymbag straight up hated on him. He remained silent and kept working. They told him he was too blocky. They told him he was built like a refrigerator. That he’s never turn pro and even if he did, he was short in stature and would be drowned out in a pro lineup. He stayed quiet and kept working. Even after mutating since his pro card win, every time a bodybuilding outlet posted his update, the comment section was a toxic wasteland of “hasbeens” and “neverwas” talking shit about his leg veins, his “aesthetics” and some even commenting about mortality. Can you imagine sitting in your house, just minding your own business trying to prepare for a show and these sinister lowlifes keep grimly commenting on if you’re going to die? How do you think that sits in someone’s stomach? I’m sure it fucking sucks. But, Nick didn’t argue. He stayed silent and kept working.⁣

There is lessons here, folks. 1. The higher you get on the food chain, the more people are going to want to see you fail because they want you to be like them…someone who fell short or never took a shot or didn’t have it. You’re going to have to develop thick skin and battle through. 2. You deliver on your promises and you do what you’re saying you’re going to do. You believe it wholeheartedly if you say it. Last year, Nick said he’d be on the Olympia stage. Everyone called him delusional. They did. But Nick believed in himself, knew where he was going and now he’s on his way.⁣

Believe in yourself and stay above the noise.⁣

Nick Walker ο νικητής του NEW YORK PRO 2021



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