Αρχική » Νεκρός ο επαγγελματίας bodybuilder Mike Sheridan

Νεκρός ο επαγγελματίας bodybuilder Mike Sheridan

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Νεκρός ο επαγγελματίας bodybuilder Mike Sheridan, ο οποίος έφυγε από τη ζωή σε ηλικία 50 ετών. Ο Sheridan, γεννήθηκε στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο, και ξεκίνησε την καριέρα του στα τέλη της δεκαετίας του ’90, στη πορεία κατέκτησε  την επαγγελματική του κάρτα στο Εθνικό Πρωτάθλημα EFBB του 1999, όταν νίκησε στη Open κατηγορία. Ξεκινώντας την επαγγελματική του καριέρα το 2001, ο Mike Sheridan γρήγορα έγινε δημοφιλής στο χώρο του bodybuilding του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου.

Είχε αγωνιστεί σε διάφορους διαγωνισμούς  από το New York Pro έως και και το Mr. Olympia το 2005. Στο τέλος της καριέρας του, έκανε στροφή αγωνιζόμενος  στην κατηγορία των 212 λιβρών, πριν αποσυρθεί το 2014. Μετά ασχολήθηκε με την προπονητική, ανοίγοντας το Unique Bodies Gym στην Οξφόρδη. Την είδηση του θανάτου του  ​επιβεβαίωσε ο φίλος του, Simon Fan, ο οποίος έκανε την ανακοίνωση στο Facebook

Struggling to come to terms with the passing of my very good friend Mike Sheridan.

I was lucky to be one of the very few that Mike let into his life as he was a very private person, old school as they come and liked to hide away in his little cave away from any attention or social media, contrary to the world today.
Mike would drive up from Oxford every week and train with me at Temple Gym, he followed me to when I opened Ultimate Fitness 8 years ago.
It was an honour to train with Mike as he trained with such intensity and without distractions. We never had our phones on, took any selfies or film any sets. Totally immersed in every workout he came to battle.
It’s a shame we didn’t get to capture any workouts on camera but that was Mike for you, never one for the camera or appraisal.
I looked up to Mike as he was a few years older than me and one of the very few British bodybuilders to reach the ultimate stage in bodybuilding, the Mr Olympia.
It was only a year ago I managed to get him on Instagram as he hated all the B.S that the industry had become. I told him to use it as a tool to promote his business Unique Bodies Gym. He never did get he hang of it lol.
Mike came to see me when I came out of hospital last year and I could tell by the expression on his face how happy he was to see me fit and back to my normal self. He told me he was speechless.
It was only a few weeks ago Mike came to see me telling me about the plans he had for his new gym as he wanted to bounce some ideas with me. This time last year I went to look at some units in Oxford with him.
Mike was the epitome of British Bodybuilding, still cannot believe he’s gone. Just goes to show you never know what tomorrow brings.
My thought goes to Barbara, his family and Riggs x

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