Αρχική » Εξομολόγηση Ronnie Coleman:o Flex Wheeler μου είπε για τις βιταμίνες!

Εξομολόγηση Ronnie Coleman:o Flex Wheeler μου είπε για τις βιταμίνες!

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Τι γίνεται εδώ μιλά για βιταμίνες και ανατροπή της δίαιτας, και η στοχοπροσήλωση;  όπου χιλιάδες νεαροί κάνουν χαρακίρι για να την τηρήσουν;

Εδώ ο Big Ronnie Coleman θυμάται και ευγνωμονεί τον Flex Wheeler δεν απαρνείται την ιδεολογία της πρωταρχικής  κουλτούρας όπως κάποιοι πρώην αριστεροί, που αλλάζουν στάση ζωής, και  γλυκαίνονται από την κατάκτηση της εξουσίας,  και τα καλούδια του καπιταλισμού.

Ο Big Ronnie Coleman  θυμάται το 1994, τα πρώτα διαγωνιστικά του χρόνια, πως ήταν στο δωμάτιό του στη Φρανκφούρτη της Γερμανίας. Έκανε μια ευρωπαϊκή περιοδεία την εποχή εκείνη, όπου ο φορμαρισμένος  Flex Wheeler  είχε κατακτήσει το Arnold Classic αλλά και κάθε μυϊκό show στην περιοδεία, και όπου δεν είχε κάνει οποιοδήποτε δίαιτα,  αλλά έφαγε cheeseburgers ! και σάντουιτς! ενώ αντίθετα ο  Ronnie Coleman ετρωγε κοτόπουλο, και ψάρι ψημένο στη σχάρα. Έτσι ενώ καθόταν  στο δωμάτιό του σκέφτηκε πως θα μπορούσε να πάρει το μάθημα του για τον τρόπο της καλύτερης μυϊκής βελτίωσης, θα μάθαινα από αυτόν δήλωσε ο Big Ronnie. Έτσι πήγε και χτύπησε την πόρτα του Flex και τον ρώτησε τι έπαιρνε για να φανεί τόσο καλός! με αποτέλεσμα να κερδίζει όλα αυτά τα shows. Τότε για πρώτη φορά πληροφορήθηκε ποιες βιταμίνες  χρησιμοποιούσε εκείνη τη στιγμή!

So I went and knocked on Flex’s door and asked if I could have a talk with him. I kinda got straight to the point and asked Flex exactly what he was taking to look so good and win all these shows. I first told him what vitamins I was taking and at the time I was truly only taking vitamins. Well Flex told me he was taking totally different vitamins than what I was taking.

Έτσι κράτησε τη συμβουλή του, βρήκε και  βιβλία για να διαβάσει εκτενέστερα  τι χρησιμοποιούσε. Βρήκε τον τρόπο  να κατανοήσει πως κατακτούσε τους τίτλους. Μετά από αυτό έως και σήμερα, είναι ευγνώμων στον Flex για τις συμβουλές του, και θα είναι πάντα ο καλύτερος φίλος του, δηλώνει ο Big Ronnie Coleman.

Παρακάτω  η ανάρτηση για τις συμβουλές
και τις βιταμίνες παρά την μπερδεμένη διατροφή!

“Back in 1994, I was sitting in my room in Frankfurt, Germany. We were doing a European tour at the time and of course, I wasn’t doing that good at the time. Flex Wheeler had just won the Arnold Classic and was Winning every show and the tour and he wasn’t even dieting.

He was eating cheeseburgers and subway sandwiches and here I was eating grilled chicken, grilled fish and just dieting my ass off.

So while sitting there in my room I decided I was gonna do what I did in college. If someone was smarter than me then I would always have study sessions with them and learn from them.

So I went and knocked on Flex’s door and asked if I could have a talk with him. I kinda got straight to the point and asked Flex exactly what he was taking to look so good and win all these shows.

I first told him what vitamins I was taking and at the time I was truly only taking vitamins. Well, Flex told me he was taking totally different vitamins than what I was taking.

So I took his advice, found books to read on what he was taking. Found out how to take what he was taking, found where to get what he was taking and got the stuff he was taking. After taking what he told me to take I won my very first pro show the next year the 1995 Montreal Pro show.

So until this day I’m forever grateful to Flex for his advice and he will always be my best friend in the whole world because he truly changed my life for the better.

A lot of people don’t know that he was also the reason I won my very 1st Olympia. That’s a story for another day.”

Δείτε αυτή τη δημοσίευση στο Instagram.

Back in 1994 I was sitting in my room in Frankfurt, Germany. We were doing a European tour at the time and of course I wasn’t doing that good at the time. @officialflexwheeler had just won the Arnold Classic and was Winning every show and the tour and he wasn’t even dieting. He was eating cheeseburgers and subway sandwiches and here I was eating grilled chicken, grilled fish and just dieting my ass off. So while sitting there in my room I decided I was gonna do what I did in college. If someone was smarter than me then I would always have study sessions with them and learn from them. So I went and knocked on Flex’s door and asked if I could have a talk with him. I kinda got straight to the point and asked Flex exactly what he was taking to look so good and win all these shows. I first told him what vitamins I was taking and at the time I was truly only taking vitamins. Well Flex told me he was taking totally different vitamins than what I was taking. So I took his advice, found books to read on what he was taking. Found out how to take what he was taking, found where to get what he was taking and got the stuff he was taking. After taking what he told me to take I won my very first pro show the next year the 1995 Montreal Pro show. So until this day I’m forever grateful to Flex for his advice and he will always be my best friend in the whole world because he truly changed my life for the better. A lot of people don’t know that he was also the reason I won my very 1st Olympia. That’s a story for another day.

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Ronnie Coleman (@ronniecoleman8) στις

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